Welcome to Amselina
Updated: Sep 18, 2024
Since January 2023 I have been fortunate enough to be able to entirely prioritise my family over my work. During this period, I have been emotionally challenged to an extent I didn't foresee in my, very normal, life
I won't detail here all of the reasons why the last 18 months was not the plain sailing I have mostly enjoyed in the previous 40 odd years, but I would like to take a second to share a little of what I learnt
I have learnt that being able to talk openly and honestly about how I feel is the single most important factor to retaining a positive outlook. I still have to work hard on this and my wife, Lina, continues to be instrumental in positively encouraging me
I also learnt the importance of quickly identifying when you need to change the way you do things and how, by being deeply honest about your own paradigms, you can do that in a way that is enjoyable. My daughter, nicknamed Amse, has been my teacher here!
This is the real story behind Amselina and how we got our name
Purposeful Productivity
Anyone that knows me, will quickly recognise that these reflections are clearly aligned with the way that I have always seen and felt about work. As a result, I look forward to adding my recent experiences to those I already enjoy sharing, with a belief that these will help motivate and encourage others to take on the daunting task of change too
I have always coached the importance of ensuring a compelling reason to do something differently. If the reason for change has no clear, meaningful purpose, it will be near impossible to achieve in a positive way.
Amselina has been created to work with those that have, or would like to have, a clear compelling need to do something differently. We are passionate about the benefits of high productivity and know the best way to improve it is by ensuring its purposefulness.
We will be releasing a 50 part bi-weekly series from Amselina that aims to provide insight and inspiration for your own improvement work; from getting started, through strategy, planning and executing the change. There will never be a membership fee for these so please subscribe below to get notified of new releases and feel free to share.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon.
With best wishes,
Fantastic sentiment 👌